But what does that mean and what have we had to overcome?
Click here, if you want to learn more about my story or how I can help you.
I want to share my knowledge and experience with you, so you don’t make the same mistakes my wife and I made and overcome your struggles like we did.
You see, when my wife and I started on our journey, we both felt like we were alone and on an island with no one who REALLY understood our plight or could help us.
Don’t get me wrong, we are extremely lucky and fortunate to have a wonderful, supportive group of family and friends who did manage to help us as best as they could.
However, they really never understood our struggles because they didn’t live in our house on a daily basis.
They didn’t see our pain points that happened every day.
While they empathized with us, they just didn’t get what we were going through because they never lived through it.
They couldn’t. It wasn’t their fault.
It was just the situation we were in.
This is what sets me apart.
I understand what you are going through because I have lived it for the last 15 years.
I get your struggles, your pain points, and what keeps you up at night.
I’m also here to let you know that you aren’t alone and that there is REAL help & support for your situation.
This is why I created Special Need Finances.
While I focus on personal finance, saving, budgeting, and investing (that’s my wheelhouse 😊), we also talk a lot about other things that parents of special needs children go through on a daily basis:
- Parenting special needs children
- Marital / family issues
- Estate Planning
- Taxes
- Insurance (from life insurance …. my wheelhouse! …..to medical insurance and SSDI ……. that’s my wife’s wheelhouse! 😊)
- Medical issues, how to speak their language, and what to do (Also my wife’s wheelhouse! 😊)
- Allergy-free food living (because a lot of kids with special needs also need special diets)
- Self-care
- And much more!
I can help guide you out of the hole you are in and live the life you always wanted but always felt like it was JUST out of reach.
Let me help you overcome your obstacles, become empowered, and live the life you love, want, and deserve.
Together, as my friend Norm would say, we will “Go Make $h!t Happen”! 😊