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How I Can Help You

During our journey, my wife and I had to work through, overcome, and learn ALOT of the same things that other parents of special needs children go through and struggle with every day.

Here are a few of things we cover on this blog to help you out:


To save for retirement while taking care of the family’s needs (probably on a single income too!) and I can help with that!


How that’s different for parents of special needs children and how to invest both smartly and efficiently.

Save Money

How to get the most bang for your buck while figuring out how to pay off those crazy high medical bills.

Make Money

How to start a side hustle for extra $$$ and tricks to pay less in taxes while putting more money in your pocket (my wife actually read the entire medical section of the tax code to find loopholes! True story! 😊)


How it is even more important for parents of special needs children in order to be your best self.


Why parenting special needs (neurodivergent) children is WAY different than parenting neurotypical children and tips to make your life easier.

Special Education & Individual Education Plans (IEP’s)

How important it is for your child both during and AFTER they graduate high school.


How to avoid struggles and build better relationships with your friends and loved ones.

Allergy-Free Diets

Why important for special needs children and how to make the food taste good (my wife has some GREAT recipes!)

Social Security / Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)

How it really works and how to use it to help your special needs child.

Medical Insurance

How to talk to and learn the language of the insurance company to get medical tests and procedures covered that normally wouldn’t be (my wife is the QUEEN of this!)

Estate Planning

Setting it up properly as a special needs parent including creating a special needs trust

Life Insurance

How to get the best coverage at the cheapest cost and make life insurance work for you (Hint: it is not just using term insurance!).

Plus a host of other tips and tricks that can help you on your own personal journey.

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Welcome to my financial, relationship, and lifestyle blog that caters to special needs families!

I’m here to help you through your financial, family, and personal struggles as well as help set you up on the path to happiness and success.

How do I know how to do this?

While I am not a professional financial planner or financial advisor, it does not mean that one cannot develop an expertise through life lessons.

I learned enough to mentor friends and family members with their financial issues when it struck me: why should I stop at only helping friends and family? Why not help others?

I decided to start this blog to both document my journey towards financial independence, to share the lessons we have learned along the way, and help the parents of special needs children who are struggling.

I’m certain the knowledge & tools we have acquired can help other parents of special needs children that are struggling as well.

What Sets Me Apart

What sets my story apart from others is that I am not in management nor an executive at a Fortune 500 company.

I do not own a multimillion-dollar business or even make $250K+ a year.
I am a regular guy who has made a good living through a lot of perseverance, tenacity, and overcoming a lot of adversity.

My wife and I both learned our lessons about raising special needs children and making the finances work out through hard work, tenacity, and good ol’ fashioned lessons from the “school of life”! 😊

My goal is for you to learn from my experiences, both successes, and failures.
We have done a lot over the last 15 years to help pave the way for special needs families and guide them through the same struggles we overcame.

We also want to inspire you to overcome your personal obstacles, achieve your dreams, and teach you how to avoid the pitfalls we made in order to live your best life.

While we are not where we want to be yet, we were on track for financial independence once and will get back there again.

Remember, if we can do it, you can too! 😊

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